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Periodontics in Brantford

When it comes to your oral health, your gums are just as important as your teeth. If you find yourself needing a bit of extra care in that department, perhaps due to periodontal disease, don’t worry – you’re in good hands with Dr. Jacob Swiderski!

Our dedicated team of periodontists are here to guide you through the periodontics procedures you need. Keep reading to learn more about the periodontics procedures we offer and how they can benefit you.

Meet Your Periodontics Team

Brantford Periodontist Near Me

Periodontic Services

Our comprehensive range of periodontal treatments is meticulously designed to address various gum issues. We’ll ensure that your gums receive the utmost care and attention they deserve. Whether it’s combating gum disease, rectifying receding gums, or anything in between, we’ve got you covered with periodontics procedures tailored to your needs.

Connective Tissue Grafts

A connective tissue graft is an effective treatment for treating exposed tooth roots caused by significant gum recession. In this procedure, we gently extract a small piece of tissue from the palate of your mouth and transplant it to the area of need, covering and protecting the exposed root.

This not only aids in reducing further recession but also helps alleviate any sensitivity that might have developed. Our goal with this treatment is to ensure your gums are healthy, your smile looks great, and your teeth are protected.

Cyst Removal and Biopsy

These procedures are done when there is an unusual bump noted. We remove the bump and send it to a pathologist to be biopsied.

Deep Scaling and Root Planing

This exam is a thorough check-up to assess the health of your gums, measure the recession on each tooth, and determine your dental care routine.

Extractions With Grafting

In this procedure, extraction and bone grafting are done together to prepare the site of a recent extraction for future implant placement.

Free Gingival Grafts

In cases where there’s a lack of sufficient gum tissue around a tooth, a free gingival graft comes into play. This procedure involves increasing the existing tissue around a tooth to promote a healthier and more resilient gumline. The tissue used for this graft is directly taken from the palate to ensure a seamless and natural integration.


A frenectomy is the removal of a small fold of tissue for better mobility and comfort. This tissue either connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, attaches the lip to the gum above your top front teeth, or attaches the lip to the gum below your bottom front teeth.

Generalized Periodontal Examination

This is a specialized cleaning recommended for gum care. Deep scaling targets below the gum line with specialized tools that aren’t used during regular cleanings. Typically, these cleanings require freezing and are done at more frequent intervals.


A gingivectomy is the surgical removal of excess gums to treat conditions like gingivitis. This procedure can also be used for aesthetic purposes to reshape the gums for a more natural look.


A gingivoplasty is the reshaping of gums to correct deformities and to create a more natural-looking smile.

Guided Bone Regeneration

Guided bone regeneration is a procedure that is used to increase the amount of bone at a site where it has been lost due to periodontal disease. In this procedure, our periodontist will meticulously clean the infected area of bacteria, then replace it with bone to help your body naturally regenerate around that site.

Guided Tissue Regeneration

Periodontal disease can sometimes lead to a weakening of the structural support around a tooth, or even a group of teeth. Guided tissue regeneration is a procedure that is used to give more support and stability to a tooth or multiple teeth that have been affected.

When bacteria has become trapped under the gums, a separation between tooth and bone can occur. This creates gaps around the teeth.

In this procedure, a membrane is inserted into the space to allow the necessary time for bone to regenerate and strengthen the area. This method ensures that the bone has ample time to strengthen and recover, preventing the quicker regrowing soft tissue from taking over the space.


An implant is an artificial tooth with a root made of metal, which is inserted into the jawbone to replace the root of your tooth. Once the implant is placed, it’s topped with a crown to mimic the appearance and function of your natural tooth.

Ridge / Bone Augmentation

A ridge augmentation is a procedure that is done following an extraction. A bone graft is placed where the tooth used to be to reshape the gums and jaw to mirror its natural shape.

Sinus Lift / Augmentation

A sinus lift is a procedure that is required when the floor of the sinus is too low. Raising the sinus floor creates sufficient bone for you to get an implant placement.

Periodontics Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions from our patients to help clear up any confusion and provide you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your oral health.

What Is a Periodontist?

A periodontist is a dental specialist with advanced training in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of gum diseases, as well as in the placement of dental implants and the treatment of oral inflammation. They undergo several additional years of education beyond dental school to specialize in these areas. This education gives them the expertise necessary to handle complex cases and provide the best possible care for your gums.

What Does a Periodontist Do?

Periodontists focus primarily on the health of your gums and the structures that support your teeth. They treat various forms of gum disease, from mild gingivitis to more severe periodontitis. They also perform surgical procedures for severe cases of gum disease, place dental implants, and address issues related to gum recession. Periodontists are experts in handling cases where the complexity of the dental condition requires specialized care.

Do I Need Periodontal Surgery?

The necessity of periodontal surgery depends on the severity of your gum disease and how well it has responded to earlier treatments. Non-surgical treatments like deep cleanings, medications, or laser therapy may be attempted first. However, if these treatments don’t effectively manage the disease, or if the condition is already in an advanced stage, periodontal surgery might be necessary. Surgical options could include procedures to reduce pockets, regenerate lost bone and tissue, or to address gum recession. Your periodontist will conduct a thorough examination and discuss your options with you to determine the best course of action for your specific case.

Your Journey to Periodontic Care

Ready to take the next step? A consultation with our periodontic team is your first step towards high-quality, personalized care.

During this appointment, we will:
– Review medical history and medications
– Examine your x-rays, or take new ones if necessary
– Perform an oral exam to determine the appropriate treatment
– Discuss anesthesia options
– Submit estimates for treatment
– Answer any questions you may have

Ready to get started? Contact our periodontics team today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile!